You created it.
We structure, negotiate, and protect your work.
Client Projects
Feature films, television, documentaries, animation, and more…
Thelma & Louse
Represented Callie Khouri for approximately ten years, beginning with the theatrical feature film Thelma & Louise; additionally, negotiated & drafted all of Khouri's writing deals as well as her first directing agreement.
JackAss The Movie: 1 - 2- 3
Represented Ehren McGhehey throughout all JackAss movie deals, including the JackAss internt web project, McGhehey's personal merchandising deals & television projects.
The Ren & Stimpy Show
Represented John Kricfalusi and the Ren & Stimpy show deals and negotiations with MTV.
Tupac Resurrection Documentary Film List Item
Hired by Afeni Shakur to collaborate with Dina LaPolt & represent the Estate of Tupac & Afeni Shaku; handled negotiations & the drafting of documentation with MTV & Paramount for the feature documentary, Tupac Resurrection, which was nominated for an Academy Award.
Additionally, handled merchandise negotiations, clearance issues & other television & feature film projects for the Estate, including the option to develop a New York Broadway production. -
Carlos: The Santa Journey
Represented the film producers.
The Twilight Zone
Represented the writers.
Street Dogs Of South Central
Represented the witers and film makers.
Bread & Roses
Represented the writers. Starred as the Entertainment Lawyer across Adrian Brody.
Waiting For Lightning
Represented Danny Way.
Represented the writers.
La Conjura
Represented the film makers.
Who Is Clark Rockefeller?
Represented the writers.
The Day My God Died
Represented the writers.
Jackass II
Represented talent Ehren McGhehey
Jackass 3
Represented talent Ehren McGhehey.