You created it.
We structure, negotiate, and protect your work.

Client Projects
Feature films, television, documentaries, animation, and more…

  • Thelma and Louise Feature Film

    Thelma & Louse

    Represented Callie Khouri for approximately ten years, beginning with the theatrical feature film Thelma & Louise; additionally, negotiated & drafted all of Khouri's writing deals as well as her first directing agreement.

  • Jackass The Movie

    JackAss The Movie: 1 - 2- 3

    Represented Ehren McGhehey throughout all JackAss movie deals, including the JackAss internt web project, McGhehey's personal merchandising deals & television projects.

  • The Ren & Stimpy Show

    Represented John Kricfalusi and the Ren & Stimpy show deals and negotiations with MTV.

  • Tupac Resurrection Documentary Film

    Tupac Resurrection Documentary Film List Item

    Hired by Afeni Shakur to collaborate with Dina LaPolt & represent the Estate of Tupac & Afeni Shaku; handled negotiations & the drafting of documentation with MTV & Paramount for the feature documentary, Tupac Resurrection, which was nominated for an Academy Award.

    Additionally, handled merchandise negotiations, clearance issues & other television & feature film projects for the Estate, including the option to develop a New York Broadway production.

  • Carlos: The Santa Journey

    Represented the film producers.

  • The Twilight Zone

    Represented the writers.

  • Street Dogs Of South Central

    Represented the witers and film makers.

  • Bread & Roses

    Represented the writers. Starred as the Entertainment Lawyer across Adrian Brody.

  • Waiting For Lightning

    Represented Danny Way.

  • Screwball

    Represented the writers.

  • La Conjura

    Represented the film makers.

  • Who Is Clark Rockefeller Feature Film

    Who Is Clark Rockefeller?

    Represented the writers.

  • The Day My God Died Feature Film

    The Day My God Died

    Represented the writers.

  • Jackass II

    Represented talent Ehren McGhehey

  • Jackass 3 Feature Film

    Jackass 3

    Represented talent Ehren McGhehey.